Privacy and Refund Policies

Privacy Policy

At Western Watersheds Project we respect your privacy. Any and all information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, disclosed to third parties or reused without your permission. Any information you give to us will be held with care and will not be used in ways in which you have not consented.

Refund Policy

Transactions will appear as Western Watersheds on all credit card and bank statements. All valid transactions are final, Western Watersheds Project will determine if a transaction is valid or invalid. For example, a duplicate transaction created through an error in processing may be considered invalid. Transactions created by customer error may be considered valid payments. Transactions deemed to be invalid prior to the transaction’s batch processing will be voided. After batch processing, the original transaction must be credited. Please call (208) 788-2290 or email if you need to cancel your payment transaction. Western Watersheds Project will accept all requested cancellations and/or refunds. Refunds will only be credited back to the card that was originally used.

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