BLM and USFS Regulations and Handbooks

The following USFS and BLM Regulations, Codes and Handbooks are the current “bibles” that inform, regulate and guide federal rangeland management. Congress-people and aides that are working on the public land livestock grazing issue should be nominally aware of these:

Key Regulations and Handbooks

36 CFR 222 - Forest Service Grazing management

As pointed out above, these regulations that govern USFS grazing provide sufficient authority to address potential harm to natural resources in circumstances such as prolonged drought, yet they are not acting.

BLM Management Handbook and Grazing Policy Manual - M-4100

This Manual, revised in 2009, sets forth the objectives, responsibilities, and policies for the management and administration of livestock grazing on Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) public lands, exclusive of Alaska.

BLM Rangeland Health Standards - H-4180-1

H-4180 describes the authorities, objectives, and policies that guide the implementation of BLM’s Healthy Rangeland Initiative. Implementation provides for the assessment of public land health, and for taking appropriate action to achieve, or make progress toward achieving, specified rangeland health standards.

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Grazing Problems

The current problems associated with livestock grazing on public lands

Legislative History

Legislative history on grazing issues

Ecological Science

A brief overview of the published science that demonstrates the ecological effects of livestock grazing

How Congress Can Help

What Congress can do to address the current problems with public land livestock grazing

GAO Reports

A collection of GAO reports that have addressed some of these issues