TAKE ACTION: Help stop Washington Wolf Killing!

Photo by Randy Flood

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)  is at it again, killing wolves for killing livestock on the Colville National Forest. The new kill order targets the “Old Profanity Territory” (OPT) pack, a family of wolves named for the Profanity Peak pack that was wiped out by the agency in 2016 in response to depredations on the same ranch, the Diamond M. And that’s not all: this same ranch is central to the killings of the Wedge Pack in 2012 and the Sherman Pack in 2017. They also removed wolves from the Sherman and Togo Packs in 2018 for preying on Diamond M’s livestock. It’s the very definition of insanity – doing the same thing and expecting different results – and it’s an outrageous abuse of our nation’s imperiled wildlife.

It’s pretty clear that killing the wolves isn’t working. It’s time to try moving the livestock instead.

There are three ways you can act to help end the slaughter of the OPT family of wolves! 

1. Call or email WDFW and tell them to lift the kill order: 
Kelly Susewind – WDFW Director: Kelly.Susewind@dfw.wa.gov;
Main WDFW Phone Number: 360-902-2200

2. Call or email Washington’s Governor and tell him to demand WDFW halt there wolf killings:
Jay Inslee – Governor: 360-902-4111;

3. Call the Colville National Forest and tell them to move the Diamond M cows out of the OPT family’s habitat: 
Colville National Forest, Supervisor’s Office, (509) 684-7000

Potential talking points:

  • These are our public lands and we value native wildlife using them for recovery.
  • The problem is the livestock, not the wolves.
  • If ranchers can’t live with wolves, they can find a new place to ranch.
  • Recovery of wolves depends on their ability to use public lands. Killing wolves is contrary to recovery.
  • These wolves are a family. Killing a family member disrupts pack dynamics and makes conflict more likely.

Thank you for taking a stand for wolves today!

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