So This is Earth Day, and What Have We Done?

Online Messenger #310

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Yesterday, the Fish and Wildlife Service failed to provide the imperiled Bi-State Sage-grouse with the protections of an Endangered Species Act listing. With news like this, it can be easy to get discouraged about the fate of our planet and the non-human species with whom we share it. As Aldo Leopold articulated, “One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds.” 

And while Leopold was right about almost everything else, he was wrong that we live alone with these wounds. Our staff, members, and supporters all feel the pain of a changing climate, extinct species, fouled waters, and the politicians who don’t seem to give a damn.

Western Watersheds Project does not back down from these challenges and commits to fighting for healthy watersheds, environmental justice, and the inherent rights of all species to exist. Through our relentless efforts across the West, we’re constantly advocating for improved management of our public trust resources.

I’m incredibly proud of the smart, effective, and meaningful advocacy that WWP’s staff and members do to protect and conserve the natural world. This passion and tenacity inspires me. Every day the landscape benefits from the actions of thoughtful and committed activists.

Go out and make a difference. Happy Earth Day! 

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